Apr 7, 20231 min

Own Your Own Insurance Company - Turn your risk management into a profit center!

An InsiderTalks VIdeo from Business Connect Insider

In this InsiderTalks Video at Business Connect Insider, Randy Sadler and Noah Miller of CIC Services discuss captive insurance, essentially owning your own insurance company.

Business insurance rates have been increasing significantly and are likely to increase even more.

Randy and Noah discuss the advantages of captive insurance, essentially owning your own insurance company. Randy and Noah also discuss the services that their company, CIC Services, provides, including coordinating and providing all the administrative and compliance services required to own your own insurance company, a captive.

Randy and Noah are delighted to have a call with anyone who wants to learn more, and want to find out whether their company is an appropriate candidate.

Company Contacts:

Randy Sadler or Noah Miller

CIC Services

Tel 865 599 6104

Email randy@cicservicesllc.com noah@cicservicesllc.com Website www.cicservicesllc.com